(Boston MA)
“Lee Baker works empathetically and holistically with me as an individual. Her insightful understanding of the whole human includes the mind, body, and spirit in a growth journey that understands career, and personal challenge. Lee's positive, energetic approach causes healing strength to enter your life and allows you to be ready to recognize and embrace it.”
A. R.
(NY, NY)
“Lee has a targeted, personal approach that chooses the appropriate tool to the blockage presently in the way of my success and peace. I have found her approach a much better fit than traditional therapies I have tried in the past.”
E. L.
(NY, NY)
“Lee and I work as partners to discover some of the underlying reasons and solutions to issues regarding anxiety and help expand my skill sets to make beneficial decisions in my life. She is supportive, honest, and creative in letting me see the choices available to me. Lee helps me look at all the option, these can include things I would never consider but opens the door for me to imagine and investigate. “
(Nashville, TN)
“Lee provides real world, practical methodologies to address many types of challenges, traumas, and issues. Whether a minor obstacle at work or a deep-seated childhood issue, Lee has the dedication, skill, and temperament to navigate through the issue and provide practical, actionable advisement.”
(San Francisco, CA)
“Lee is someone that I've been working with every week for the past 3 years. She's helped me in my life with clarity, purpose, understanding, and self-care. At my darkest days, having Lee as my support, my balance and my rock, she helped me survive through very traumatic circumstances I was facing alone.”
(NY, NY)
“My time with Lee was monumental. She came along as my life was unraveling. Lee saw me through the worst and gave me tools to feel empowered. I was able to take real action and get on my feet. Although life continues to throw a whole bunch of tough challenges my way, I now know how to set boundaries and navigate with this new mindset and tools.”
(LI, NY)
“Lee is a deeply intuitive, creative artist who draws from a vast set of powerful tools to expertly guide and inspire each individual's unique path. Lee carefully develops trust and a safe space within which she raises tough questions. Working with Lee has brought me and my family relief, clarity, authenticity, and most importantly joy!”
R. V.
(Los Angeles, CA)
“Having to face a harsh reality recently, Lee from Positive Constructs guided, listened, and supported my journey every step of the way. If I were to describe her role, it would be a spiritual guide and mental health expert, providing direction on how to navigate through such a painful and traumatic reality. In addition, I also think she can be described as a happiness coach, helping you identify and walk you through prompts and self-practices to find peace and joy, despite adversity.”
(NY, NY)
“Lee has helped me in so many ways. Professionally she has helped me navigate my career and figure out what I should do next. She has helped me deal with difficult work situations in a positive and constructive manner. She has helped me focus on the important details and ignore the noise. Personally, she has helped me address past issues and figure out how to move past them. And she has helped me become a better and more understanding parent. She comes from a place of positivity and love and understanding, and I look forward to all our sessions.”
(Las Vegas NV)
“Lee has helped our family heal from significant trauma and conflict. The work is tough, honest, and real. The space to do it is a safe and non-judgmental place and the tools she provided us really do work!”